Craps is a dice game, with a game taking place in two separate phases.
The first one is the come out roll; with the thrower having to obtain the total, which allows him to «pass».
- If he gets 2, 3 or 12, it’s a Craps, meaning that he does not pass(with a total of 2 or 3 players betting on the game’s inverse – called the don’t pass line; will be the winners, while a sum of 12 means a null hand).
• Sums of 7 and 11 allow him topass.
• For a total of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 o 10 the point is fixed; and the croupier places a tile with the word ON written on it on the respective box.
The second phase of the Craps game starts as soon as the point is established, and in order to win, one should get the same total amount through sum of the two dice.
If the thrower gets 7, he loses.
If he doesn’t obtain neither the point nor the 7; the result is still suspended and the thrower shall try again, until he gets the point or the 7.
Craps’ minimum bet amounts to 10 euros.
The number of players may vary from 1 to 16
The Craps game thrills because of the bets’ variety, which challenges the player to implement subtle strategies; and for the active and thrilling participation coming from throwing the dice. The Playhouse is the bank, which is ran by four employees: the boxman which surveys, the stickman which announces the throws’ outcomes and collects the dice, two dealers placing, retiring and paying the bets.
The shooter has to put a mandatory base bet, comprised between a minimum and a maximum, on the Pass line combination or, in alternative, on Don’t Pass, and he can bet on other combinations too. Other players, even if they don’t shoot the dice, may bet freely, without being subjected to the obligation of betting on Pass line or Don’t pass.
The actual game can be articulated in the three following phases:
– Initial phase or Come out,
– Midgame or Come point,
– Final phase or Sevening out.
Initial Phase – Come out roll
The thrower, as soon as he receives the dice from the stickman, performs the opening roll (Come out roll). He has to throw the dice in a calculated way in order to hit the farther edge from the occupied position; and make them bounce.
In this first phase, the Pass line bet wins; and is payed evenly, if the launch delivers the 7 or 11 (Natural) numbers, while it loses; if the launch delivers the numbers 2, 3 or 12 (Craps). The opposite happens for the Don’t Pass bet, which loses with 7 or 11 and wins with 2 or 3; the only difference is with the number 12 which, if thrown, will cause a tie, or Stand off.
- In these cases the game promptly finishes and; after all bets have been payed or retired, the shooter will throw the dice again; starting a new game with a new Come Out roll. If, instead, at Come Out roll a number among the remaining 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 is extracted; meaning neither Natural nor Craps, this number becomes the shooter’s point, or reference score.
Once the point is established, the betters can no longer change their bet from Pass to Don’t pass; however, they will still be able to choose among a vast variety of bets at each launch.
Midgame – Come point
The thrower keeps on throwing dice while trying to repeat the point he decided. In this phase, line bets are bound and, precisely, the Pass line bet can be increased but it can’t be either retired nor diminished, while Don’t pass can be diminished or retired, but not increased.
The pass line bets won’t be resolved. Until the thrower repeats the point; or draws a 7; rolling of the remaining numbers, excluding 7 and point, does not affect the Pass line or the Don’t Pass, only affecting matching combinations. If the thrower repeats the point, Pass line wins (this is scoring), and he keeps the right of throwing dice. If, instead, he scores 7 it is Seven out, and the final phase of the game begins.
Final phase – Sevening out
At Seven out, all bets will lose, including Pass line, so the roller has to quit the right to roll the dice. Don’t pass bets win, but the thrower equally loses the right to roll. The Stickman will assign the dice rights to the next player, in a clockwise rotation.
Come and Don’t come
Are performed only after the score has been established. They follow the same rules as Pass and Don’t pass; but when an across (meaning 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) number comes out, the Come bets are passed by the dealer in the number’s box, and Don’t come bets behind the number where they can be reinforced respectively through Odds and Lay odds.
Pass line bets in second hand, at a fixed score, and Come too, introduced by the dealer in the box number, may be reinforced by accessory bets called Odds, up until a maximum amounting to twice the bet (Double odds). Percentages for payment of Odds bets vary based on the established score:
– 2 at 1 for numbers 4 or 10,
– 3 at 2 for numbers 5 or 9,
– 6 at 5 for numbers 6 or 8.
Lay odds
Don’t pass bets, at a fixed score, and Don’t come ones; introduced in the behind box when an across number shows up, may be reinforced; by accessory bets called Lay odds. These bets are called “lay” due to the peculiarity; that wins are payed in an inferior measure to what was bet. Indeed, when a Seven out comes around; they are paid based on the marked number as follows:
– 1 at 2 for numbers 4 or 10,
– 2 at 3 for numbers 5 or 9,
– 5 at 6 for numbers 6 or 8.
Lay odds lose when the score shows.
Odds and Lay odds can be removed, diminished or increased up until the established maximum, at all moments in the game.
Place bet or Accross
Bets, after score assessment, on numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10. The win is payed as follows:
– 9 at 5 for numbers 4 or 10,
– 7 at 5 for numbers 5 or 9,
– 7 at 6 for numbers 6 or 8.
They lose when number 7 shows up (Seven out), in all remaining cases the bets are still valid (multi roll bet). They are inactive during the come out phase, unless the player explicitly required activation.
Lay bet
Bets against the coming out of a number from the across line, with an immediate 5% withdrawal on the expected win, on behalf of the Playhouse. The player bets that number 7 will appear before the number he bet against of does.
He wins if 7 appears, he loses if the number he bet on appears, he stays in-game if another number appears. Considering the relatively high probability of number 7 showing up, wins are payed with inverse quotes and, precisely, playing against number:
– 4 or 10 winning 1 at 2
– 5 or 9 winning 2 at 3
– 6 or 8 winning 5 at 6.
Lay bets can be placed, modified or removed at all times.
Winning at appearance of numbers: 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 or 12.
Even payment, with exception for numbers 2 and 12, which feature double payment.
They are One roll bets, and loss happens with appearance of numbers 5, 6, 7 or 8.
BIG 6 and BIG 8
Win through appearance of 6 or 8, even payment.
Loss only with number 7, therefore they are Multi roll bets.
Playable at all times, they may be removed or modified.
Hot Dice Champion
The bet has to be placed on the matching symbol before the roller performs the initial launch, at the condition that the player has bet on Pass line or Don’t pass.
Appearance at Come out roll of 7 or 11, or rather Craps, 2, 3 or 12 – in other terms, winning or losing at the Come out roll – does not affect Hot Dice Champion. The object of the bet is obtaining the highest possible individual score from the shooter eventually before a Seven out. For individual score we intend the score (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) established by the Come out roll and winner after repetition.
The first three individual points are not paid, however, the fourth, fifth and sixth ones are payed with progressive quotes based on the respective table.
Appearance of the Seven Out determines the end and loss of the Hot Dice Champion.
Bets in the central part of the mat
Bets on 4 (double of 2), 6 (double of 3), 8 (double of 4) and 10 (double of 5).
– 10 x 1 payment for double 3 (hard six) or for double 4 (hard eight);
– 8 x 1 payment for double 2 (hard four) or for double 5 (hard ten).
They lose with 7 and also with the respective “easy” number, they remain in-game in all remaining cases (multi roll bet). They may be removed, diminished or increased.
Seven, eleven and Craps two, three and twelve
They are played with only one roll of the dice (One roll bet).
– 7, 5 x 1 payment
– 3 and 11, 16 x 1 payment
– 2 and 12, 31 x 1 payment.
Any Craps
It is played with only one roll of the dice (One roll bet).
It wins with 2, 3 and 12, it loses with other numbers.
8, 5 x 1 payment.
Lucky bet
It is played with only one roll of the dice (One roll bet).
– Double 2, 3, 4, 5, 31 x 1 payment
– 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16 x 1 payment.